Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Joel's Vocab

This boy is just growing up way to fast for me. He is our last little guy, and that makes it even worse. I just want him to stay little. This month he has grown so much. He went from a size 5 shoe to a one month! And his vocabulary......

  • Mama
  • Dada
  • O-seph (Joseph)
  • Ama (Grandma)
  • Nigh Nigh ( Night night)
  • Up
  • Out
  • More
  • Dog
  • Bye bye
  • bottle
  • cookie.....thanks everybody ( Hes to little for sweets)
  • da-pub (bathtub)
  • MEN (amen) after prayer he yells it!
  • Hot... after being burnt, he knows hot means hot!
  • Vroom-vroom

This is such a fun age, he just learns something new everyday is seems.


Anonymous said...

he is such a cutie. isn't so bitter-sweet knowing that your last is your last? i try and take just a few more pics to make sure that i don't miss anything with her...

Justin and LeAnne said...

I agree! Gowing way too fast.

Em, Dev, Alex Belliston said...

Can't wait to see you & your Cute Kids in a week.