Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ready For Church

Joel was the the first one to be totally ready for church today. I guess that is because he was the easiest. Mommy is usually running around the house making sure someone is either getting in the shower, or trying to get someone out of the shower, getting breakfast ready, looking for the lost church shoe.... and yes, that would be mommy's lost church shoe, looking for the crayons and coloring books, and making sure the diaper bag has enough diapers. This morning we were in a rush. That would seem a little strange since we gained an extra hour over night. However, if you stay up extra late knowing that you will have that extra hour, you will probably be in a rush to get to church on time.
As I was packing the diaper bag, I looked up and there was Joel sitting on the couch patiently waiting to go to church. cutie pie. I never like being rushed on Sunday's, but we had such a good time last night, I think it was worth it. Dustin and I haven't been able to go on a date for almost three months due to me being on bed rest for the last 1o weeks of the pregnancy, and then the time it took to recover from the surgery. We had such a good time going out with Kevin and Liz. We went to Chico for dinner, and then went to see a movie. Since we had some extra time to burn before the movie started, we went to the Mervyn's that is located right next door to the movie theater. Liz and I went to the children's department, while the guys went to see what was on sale in their department. When we headed to the movie, Liz and I noticed that the guys had bought something while we were not looking. When we were getting our tickets Dustin and Kevin ran to the restroom. All of the sudden two men approached us wearing these black "beanie" hats with black shirts that had gold and silver skulls on them. I stepped back and then realized these men were our husbands!!!!! Liz and I were laughing so hard, while our husbands were acting as though they had no idea what was so funny. We had a fun night!!


Cindy King said...

What a handsome little man! You have such a darling family. I loved their Halloween costumes as well. Halloween was always such a fun holiday. I still love it and enjoyed dressing up for school on Friday. Some people never grow up!

Amanda said...

What a sweet little boy you have! I understand the sunday morning rush and we have only 1 baby and our church doesn't start until 11. I think it just gets worse from here.

Em, Dev, Alex Belliston said...

It sounds like how my Sundays go. I love Joel's little tie,he is a handsome boy.

The Finlays said...

I was so glad to get your comment and find your blog. Your family is so sweet. Can you believe that Allison and Joseph will be baptised soon? Time goes so fast.

Big Mama said...

Christina.... you've been tagged!! Check out our blog and follow directions. BTW... we miss you guys!