Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus!

What a cute little guy! Can you believe that back in the day
they didn't even have car seats? My mom just held him in the truck.

Little Jesus in Denver with Elvis...I mean Dad.

Jesus on a horse.
(somewhere deep inside, I know you love country music)

Why do all little kids hate the bath water in their eyes?

Look at those big brown eyes!

Here we have a picture
of Jesus checkin' out
the camera lady.
And, if you were wondering
we were filthy rich as children.
We had a lavish library in
each wing of our castle.

Jesus is trying not to smile in this one.
To this day
he still makes this face.
Inside, he is laughing like crazy.

I wasn't able to get all of his prom pictures.
Every year he took a different lady.
This one was with Christy.

The following year was Sara.
Wow! His black shoes with the
silver detail on the tips.
If I do say so myself...that
is country! But don't worry
I wont tell everyone
that all you have is
Tim and Faith on
your IPOD!
(hey, how was the concert, you
had back stage passes right)

Here he is today with his beautiful family.

His wife Rachel.

Daughters Victoria, Lizzy, and Angelina.

Happy Birthday Jesus! You are such an awesome big brother....wait, older brother, I think we both know who is taller. I hope you have a great day. I have always looked up to you. You were always there for me, and I am grateful for that. You are such a wonderful husband and father. We miss you and your family, but love the visits.

Happy Birthday

I love you!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jesus!! :) His family is adorable! What is he up to these days, and where are they living?

5fords said...

Jesus is a middle school science teacher. They are doing well and live in Idaho. I believe they live very close to the ID. OR. line.

Cindy King said...

It was so fun to see pictures of Jesus again! I still remember meeting him long before you were in the picture at the family reunion over at Fort Bragg. He and Brian kept my boys entertained!

Parley and Katie Call said...

This was cute. That pic of the 4 of you is how I remember all of you from growing up in OroIII. :) He has such a beautiful family now too!