Monday, May 18, 2009

Who Knew?

Who knew;
That a red sock could keep an 8 month old happy for an hour.

Looks like he might give up the red sock for the yellow number 3??

Nope, ditched the yellow number 3 and is back to the sock!
I was folding laundry when Joel decided to lend a hand. He got a hold of Sophie's
sock and was in heaven from there. He was laughing and talking for an hour
with that sock. Who knew a simple red sock could do that.
So much for the baby toys.


Justin and LeAnne said...

Why do we buy toys? Simple things make them happy. Too cute!

Larissa said...

I love it! Why DO we buy toys?

Parley and Katie Call said...

Cute! I love it when they are satisfied with little things. It's also really amusing!